Free resources and information on all things mobility, joint health, Kinstretch, and more.
What is Closing Angle Joint Pain?
Wondering what closing angle joint pain is? Here is everything you need to know along with answers to all of the common questions!
Free Shoulder Online Kinstretch Class
Free online Kinstretch class offered by a physical therapist and Kinstretch instructor. Take advantage of this free class while it is available! Disclaimer: Kinstretch is not a form of or substitute for physical therapy.
What You Need to Know Before Starting Kinstretch
Considering getting into Kinstretch or trying your first class? Here is everything you need to know before getting started to ensure you get the absolute most of out your Kinstretch classes.
What is Kinstretch?
Wondering what Kinstretch is or if it can help you? Here is everything that you need to know along with a free class taught by a professional in movement and rehabilitation. Try it for yourself!