In Person Vs. Online Kinstretch Classes

In Person Vs Online Kinstretch Classes

Prior to 2019 online Kinstretch classes were not a common thing. Since then, this has changed significantly. Now you can easily find online Kinstretch classes being offered by instructors all over the world, including both recorded and live online Kinstretch classes.

This has left many of those looking to try Kinstretch wondering which type of class would be best for them.

Let’s look at what online and in-person Kinstretch classes each have to offer and highlight some of the differences between the two. When it comes to online Kinstretch classes I will speak to recorded/on-demand classes specifically however, keep in mind that there is a decent amount of carryover between recorded and live online Kinstretch classes.

Online Kinstretch Classes

When it comes to online recorded (on-demand) Kinstretch classes, one benefit is that you can literally take the class anywhere that you want as long as there is an internet connection. This means you can do them at home, in your backyard, at the gym, at work, or where ever else suits you.

You can also take the class any time that you want and you are not limited to an instructor’s or a facility’s schedule.

Another benefit that tacks on to the one above is that you can capitalize on the times that you are most motivated. If in-person Kinstretch classes are only offered in the afternoon/evenings and you tend to feel the most motivated or energized in the mornings, you have the freedom to capitalize on your morning energy level and do a class then.

While we are on the topic of time, online Kinstretch classes also often require a smaller time commitment overall. The reason for this is twofold. The first reason is that standard in-person Kinstretch classes are (usually) 60-75 minutes in length. The online Kinstretch classes available in Operation Human First (and other online platforms) range from 10-90 minutes in length. This means that on platforms like OHF you can choose whatever length of class fits your schedule and energy levels at that time.

Online Kinstretch Comparison

The second way that online classes require a smaller time commitment is that you no longer have to account for the time to travel both ways, getting ready, arriving a few minutes early to class etc. When you do classes from home you can literally just walk into your living room, hit play, and go. So, you have the flexibility to choose any length of class that you want AND if you only have 30 minutes available nearly that entire 30 minutes can be spent actually doing Kinstretch rather than travelling.

Another benefit to on-demand online Kinstretch classes is that platforms like Operation Human First both program and organize classes based on the goal or focus of each class. This allows you to then choose classes that align with your current goals.

Choose Your Kinstretch Class

For example, if your goal is to improve your hip mobility or hip external rotation, you can choose a hip external rotation class and spend the entire session working on your goal. In contrast, with in-person Kinstretch classes you don’t have the ability to choose the focus of the class. That said, many instructors are very tuned in to their student’s needs and often ask the group what they want to work on. While we cannot always please everyone in the same class, instructors will do their best!

Online Kinstretch classes also offer the ability for you to experience classes from instructors that are not located in your area. Further, if you cannot find any Kinstretch classes near you it opens the door for you to experience Kinstretch classes despite not having any instructors in your area. This one is huge for me as one of the main reasons that I created Operation Human First was as a means to help those that can’t reach me locally and I am eternally grateful to have been able to do this!

Let’s discuss a few strengths of in-person Kinstretch classes. The most obvious one is that you have your Kinstretch instructor physically present during the class! With that, you also have the opportunity to receive immediate feedback from them, especially if it is a smaller group in the class. There is a lot of value in having the actual instructor present.

In Person Kinstretch Classes

Similarly, you can get answers to your questions right away. Most instructors will answer student’s questions during and/or after in person Kinstretch classes. In contrast, with online Kinstretch classes you need to message the instructor and awaiting their response.

There is also a lot to be said for the sense of community and ability to socialize that comes with in person Kinstretch classes. While those who are introverted may actually prefer to do the class online from home, for those who are extroverted the ability to attend a class in a group setting and socialize with others is a huge plus.

While with in person classes you may not be able to choose the time, the place, the focus of the class, and may need to dedicate more time overall, there are also some strong benefits to taking Kinstretch classes in person.

Many of my own Kinstretch students do both the online Kinstretch classes in Operation Human First and in person Kinstretch classes with me. I also have students who opt to attend in person classes exclusively and others opt for online classes exclusively.

Many of my local Kinstretch students are health care providers and many of these health care providers work night shifts. For them, attending classes during the day is extremely difficult and the importance of capitalizing on times when they have energy is magnified. So, having the library of online Kinstretch classes in Operation Human First has been a game changer for them (I’ve gotten the same feedback from many young parents).

Whether in person Kinstretch classes, online Kinstretch classes, or both are right for you will vary depend highly on your own needs and preferences!

If you want to try an online Kinstretch class, here is one that you can try for free:

Want access to OHF’s massive library of on-demand Kinstretch classes including joint-specific Kinstretch classes, density Kinstretch classes, end-range strength classes, skill-specific classes (squat, push-up, middle splits, etc.), recovery Kinstretch classes, and more?

Click the link(s) below to try these classes for yourself:
Zero commitment required.


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