Expert Kinstretch & Mobility Subscriptions
for any budget & any skill level - all created for you by professional in Kinstretch, mobility training, physical therapy, and more.
Professional Mobility Training Delivered to Your Home.
We’re here to offer you so much more than just Kinstretch classes.
Take advantage of an ever-growing library of professional Kinstretch classes in addition to other unique classes & resources that compliment Kinstretch perfectly - offering you even more tools for success.
These subscribers encouraged us to tell you…
Eliminate question marks with expert level coaching:
we’re known by our subscribers for our clear, actionable cues and the deep knowledge offered in the classes.
Enjoy infinitely scalable classes & resources
for everyone from beginners to seasoned instructors.
Experience a variety of unique classes & content
from your instructor with various backgrounds as a mobility specialist, Kinstretch instructor, strength coach, physical therapist and clinic owner.
Note: Operation Human First and Kinstretch are not substitutes for physical therapy or medical advice.
You have the power to change how well you move & feel every day.
We have the tools & resources to teach you how.
Here’s SOME of What’s Inside:
Once you join, you’re going to find a section walking you through how to customize the subscription to you and YOUR body’s needs. You’ll also find an entire (optional) assessment section with videos walking you through how to assess every joint, what compensations/limitations to look out for, and how to use this information to help you choose classes that are best for YOU. We will also walk you through how to document and monitor your progress over time.
You’ll have access to libraries of videos teaching you pro tips to help you get the most of of Kinstretch and mobility training. You’ll also find over 100 additional units with education and action items to help you improve how well you move and feel every day.
Every video includes detailed coaching + cueing by a professional in physical therapy, rehabilitation, Kinstretch, and mobility training.
Rather than having to adjust your schedule to the classes, you’ll have the ability to choose classes and programs that fit into YOUR schedule. Choose from a wide variety of class lengths from 5-90 minutes and programs with variations for every schedule.
You’ll find full libraries of classes for each joint AND every movement for each joint. You’ll also have access to a variety of types of Kinstretch classes including regular classes, density classes, skill specific classes, and end range strength classes.
Kinstretch classes to improve specific skills that YOU request (splits, squat, push up, pull ups)
You’ll have access to series of classes that you can progress through. The focus of each series is determined by subscriber requests. For example, you’ll find a Golf & Rotational Sport Series as well as a Pelvis, Low Back & Hip Series.
You’ll have access to a recovery section with classes to improve recovery from mobility and strength training. You can choose classes targeting the areas you need.
Structured programs + classes you can do from home to improve movement, mobility, and strength with little or no equipment.
Structured programs that you can do from at the gym (with equipment) that incorporate cardio, strength, and mobility training.
Get lifetime access to mobility e-books that you can download and keep.
You’ll get access to select injury insights resources. For example, we have 30-60 sections available on Shoulder Impingement that are available by month 3 in the Base & Unlimited subscriptions. Base & Unlimited OHF subscribers also get a discount on all resources available outside of the subscriptions.
We are available 7 days a week and have a very quick response time. We are known to send detailed audio message responses to our members. Supporting you is our top priority.
Choose Your Path
There is no wrong way to use our subscriptions, but many of our users prefer one of these two options:
Option #1
For those that thrive with structure.
You’ll find plenty of guidance walking you through how to: choose classes, progress over time, monitor progress, and even have specific programs that you can follow.
Option #2
For those that thrive with freedom.
Simply do whatever classes you want, whenever you want! Similar to attending in-person fitness classes, you can just show up (or hit play) and get started.
Hear directly from our subscribers:
you need to cancel?
Commitment is scary. We get it!
Rest assured this is a NO contract and NO strings attached subscription.
You can cancel at ANY point with a few clicks in your account settings and you will stop being billed IMMEDIATELY.
Try it for a month and stay for whatever length of time you’d like.
While you can cancel any time, we are confident that once you try it you will see how much value there is inside and will want to hang around!
But what if…
The reality is that our healthcare system strongly favours reactive over proactive action. Therefore pain and injury often precede action. Only you can reverse this order for yourself.
The classes and resources available to you in OHF aim to give you tools and resources to help address this industry gap by walking you through how you can take action NOW to set both your current and future self up for success and longevity.
Choose Your Subscription
Sometimes less is MORE.
This option includes all of the same classes that you’ll find in the Unlimited subscription with the exception of Skills Specific Classes and Gym Programs.
You will have access to at least 40-50% of the Kinstretch classes, class series, home programs, recovery classes and other resources from the Unlimited Subscription.
Investment: $29.99
For those that want it ALL.
This option includes unlimited access to all new and existing classes and programs.
This option includes 100% access to all content and classes including all Kinstretch classes, Class Series, Skill Specific classes, Gym Programs, and Home Programs.
Investment: $69.99
Want to test it out before making a bigger commitment?
We are currently offering a Sample Subscription that gives you:
Access to 5-7 Kinstretch classes that you can do at your own pace
Flexibility to stay as long as you’d like or cancel any time with just a few clicks
A preview of our Base & Unlimited subscriptions so you have an idea of what’s inside for you